Employee Buy-In
It is always difficult to determine whether the timing is right to allow employees to "buy-in" to your business. Once you have made that decision, you need to determine the best way to do so. While many employers immediately opt to sell shares to key employees or to issue stock options, these are not the only options. Sometimes, a profit sharing arrangement or a bonus plan is a better approach, as it doesn't result in an equity interest in the business, while still giving you, the owner, the ability to give them equity in the future. Regardless of which way you go, offering some kind of incentive plan, including a buy-in from employees, will help motivate your staff and improve employee retention.

Agreements For Your Business
Do you need any agreements for your business? We can help business owners establish partnership agreements, unanimous shareholder agreements, and even independent contractor agreements. For more information on these types of agreements, follow the links below!
Partnership Agreements
Unanimous Shareholder Agreements
Independent Contractor Agreements