Independent Contractor Agreements
An independent contractor agreement is used to define a relationship between an independent contractor and their client. The agreement specifies the financial aspects of the agreement, as well as the details for service, while also setting out each party's obligations and liability exposure. The use of an independent contractor agreement will provide clarification to both parties involved, and will reduce the chances for conflict.

Who Needs One?
Independent contractor agreements can and should be used by individuals or businesses that are hiring an independent contractor, or by the individual contractor themselves.
The contract can effectively protect both parties by reducing friction in the delivery of services while also helping to eliminate misunderstandings.
What Should They Include?
There are a number of aspects that should be dealt with in an Independent Contractor Agreement, including:
The terms of service/what the service entails.
Cost of services/how much the contractor will be paid.
An end date for the contract.
If there will be penalties for late payments or delayed/unfished work.
The responsibilities of the parties.
What liability exposure each party has.P
If there will be any intellectual property involved, and if so, who will retain the rights upon completion of the contract.

How Do You Get One?
The language in an independent contractor agreement needs to be customized to match the service or good that you are providing. While there are a lot of details to consider, the key to developing an appropriate independent contractor agreement is having a sufficient understanding of the service or the good being delivered.
All it really takes is one phone call. Once we gain an understanding of your business, Outsiders Law can draft the agreement your business needs.
If you already have a contract and just need it reviewed, we would be happy to take a look.
Contact us today!